The film opens in a small theatre, where the management of the company Clinox A/S watches their latest advertising push for the red condom Ding Dong . Everyone is excited and expect that here has been really could become a big bestseller . But the day after op...
The Øyens' leave their 5 year old daughter to the babysitter, who later that night receives some mystical phone calls.
A movie loosely based on a strike in the community of Sauda, Norway 2. June 1970. The strike lasted for five weeks, and was on the news almost every day.
Frida, aged 13, has discovered a book by psychoanalyst Erich Fromm called "The art of loving". Using it as a reference she sets out to better the love lives of her family and friends. But love works in mysterious ways...
Frida - Straight from the Heart
Chilien factory worker Erik goes on a holiday trip to Sri Lanka, and is one of the many cloudless people jumbojetted to countries of which they don't understanding the culture of.
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