The film centers on a Spanish tapas bar and the love lives of the loosely interconnected people in the neighborhood surrounding the bar. The pairs of lovers include a middle aged woman and a young man; an elderly, drug dealing woman and her terminally ill husb...
In the district of Gracia, in Barcelona, a nasty old woman shares a flat with a young man, non-conformist. The guy is struggling to find his place in the world. Neither of them let themselves being intimidated, though she holds the power and the young only...
Year of Grace
Chechu is a 13 year old boy who lives surrounded by peculiar people: his grandfather, his uncle, and two maids. He falls in love with one of them.
Chechu y familia
Arrogant businessman Rupert Granger is used to getting everything he wants... everything except Alison. Rupert is determined to win her over, only Alison is not the kind who can be bought. He promises to change, but promises will not rescue him when a cancelle...
The Sea Change
Sole, Mari Pili and Marta are the twenty three young people hanging around who share a flat in Barcelona before the Olympics. Tired of sacrificing to find romance, wonder what need have expected the weekend to go to a nightclub and rolled with the first guy yo...
What Do You Bet, Mari Pili?
Two young friends, urban out-of-a-job types, work out, along with a mate -a professional pusher- a way to get out of the misery they are living in: kidnap the rich guy of the town.
Puta misèria!
Rosita, a plump and temperamental opera diva, leaving the shooting of Tristan and Isolde in Hollywood, to learn that the producer does not offer the title role in the upcoming film Romeo and Juliet. And travel to Bulgaria after accepting an invitation from Fra...
Rosita, please!
The film takes on a trip through a lively metropolis on the eve of a major holiday, witnessing the love lives, family situations, gender confusion and even a diamond traffic ring uniting some 14 different characters. They all have something in common - they're...
Aquesta nit o mai
A famous composer creative in crisis and must compose a new album, but is going through a painful separation that prevents him from concentrating. In this situation, your manager will provide a time extension
Coarse Salt
A veteran policeman named Fernando feels a lot of hatred against Ángel because the boy ran him over with a car leaving him lame. Now Fernando accuses the young crook of having participated in a robbery at a gas station in which a murder has occurred. Helped by...
Street Warriors II
Cousins Thomas and David, owners of a mobile restaurant, team up with their friend Moby, a bumbling private detective, to save the beautiful Sylvia, a pickpocket.
Wheels on Meals
Don Jaume el Conquistador
The Adventures of Zipi and Zape
A man against capital punishment is accused of murdering a fellow activist and is sent to death row.
The Life of David Gale
Jóvenes amiguitas buscan placer
Rita and Dalia live by selling themselves. Dalia is in love with Mónica, who is a friend of Chumi, who is married to Pedro, a pimp: a relationship mess that ends with the attempt to open a gay bar.
Esas chicas tan pu...
A convict is released and is mobbed by "Zorrita", an adventurer, accompanied by her close friend Barbara and a young millionaire, loaded with jewels and kilos. The convict is subject to the maximum erotic attacks, as they intend to involve him in the theft of...
Cunning Young Vixen in a Bikini
La dudosa virilidad de Cristóbal
Una familia decente
Amb tots vostès, Joan Pera