A young Kamen Rider fan is granted his wish of seeing Riders in person, initiating the ultimate Japanese superhero crossover meta film. The third and final installment of the Heisei Generations series finds Kamen Rider Zi-O and Kamen Rider Build joining forces...
Kamen Rider Heisei Generations FOREVER
Kamen Rider Build NEW WORLD: Kamen Rider Cross-Z is a post-series V-Cinema film of Kamen Rider Build. It will focus on the character of Ryuga Banjo, Kamen Rider Cross-Z, along with Kamen Rider Prime Rogue. It was announced immediately following the broadcast o...
Kamen Rider Build NEW WORLD: Kamen Rider Cross-Z
Deputy Officer of the United Nations Alliance, Simon Marcus, who aims to conquer the world with the terrorist organization Downfall along with the mad scientist Keiji Uraga, attack the Kamen Riders with overwhelming strength. It is only on Kamen Rider Grease t...
Kamen Rider Build NEW WORLD: Kamen Rider Grease
Kamen Rider Build: Birth! Bear Televi!! VS Kamen Rider Grease! is a Televi-Kun Hyper Battle DVD for Kamen Rider Build featuring the exclusive appearance of Build's Bear Televi Form. This special takes place between episodes 18 and 19. It reveals the origin of...
Kamen Rider Build: Birth! Bear Televi!! VS Kamen Rider Grease!
Wataru Kurenai, Keisuke Nago, and Otoya Kurenai introduce themselves to a boy (the viewer) who has wandered into the Café mald'amour and offer to teach him how he can be like each of them. This DVD is referred to as an Adventure Battle DVD and it takes on the...
Kamen Rider Kiva: You Can Be Kiva Too!
This premium event featured appearances by the main cast of Kamen Rider Build, who conversed and share stories about the filming of the show that fans were not able to hear elsewhere. The event also included a stage show with an original Kamen Rider Build stor...
Kamen Rider Build: Special Event
Annual Kamen Rider stage show featuring the cast and characters from Kamen Rider Build. This Final Stage & TV Cast Talk Show special event took place after the show’s run, and included In its first half an original stage show story that featured Build, Cross-Z...
Kamen Rider Build: Final Stage
GOZEN is a jidageki (period piece) dramas. The word “gozen” refers to a feudal game held in the presence of a Daimyo, described as a match “one must not lose”.
GOZEN: The Sword of Pure Romance
In the past, Kurumi Usushima (Yuto Nakajima) wanted to become a ballerino, but he is now a detective. Kurumi Usushima and his senior detective, Takao Washio (Masahiro Takashima),solve a case by using the hypnosis technique past life regression.
Detective Ballerino
A sequel to the 1980 movie The Legend of the Stardust Brothers. As well as being a rock musical comedy, it also borrows elements from other genres such as road movies, westerns, and meta fiction.
The Brand New Legend of the Stardust Brothers
The movie is made up of three parts. Cursing: A year has passed since Mari's (Mayu Hotta) mother died. She still misses her mom very much and feels loneliness without her. Her father decides to marry Asami Kamijo (Ayaka Komatsu) and he brings her to their hou...
After receiving a cosmic blast while masturbating, a virginal teenager gains psychic powers and joins a group of ESP virgins in order to defend the world from evil psychics.
The Virgin Psychics
Chiku is a devastated and dangerous town with 5 gangs fighting fiercely. Mugen and the Amamiya Brothers clashed, leading to Mugen disbanding.
High & Low The Movie
In the face of the misery in his homeland, the artist Masuji Ono was unwilling to devote his art solely to the celebration of physical beauty. Instead, he put his work in the service of the imperialist movement that led Japan into WWII.
An Artist of the Floating World
Innocent Musicale